About AZ being purple vs being red with blue spots: in recent years, to vote Republican means something different - it means, for the most part, voting for Trump or a Trump supporter. So although the map looks blue in large population centers and red elsewhere, there are relatively conservative-minded Arizonans in all parts of the state that have had enough of the Trump cult. While there are slower population trends that may turn the state bluer over time, this revulsion against a clownish would-be autocrat (and his sycophants) is probably a key factor in elections currently.

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So it seems like Rep. Quang Nguyen is using his faith to determine policy for others, right? If so, I wonder how he would feel if a Muslim used his faith to determine which proposals would receive a hearing & vote?

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Looking for people of character to vote for be they Republican or Democrat or Independent. Keep the truth about those running for office coming.

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Why are there so many crazy people here? Trent Franks...J. Wadsack...ad nauseum. Gotta give the turtle back.

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I was a GOP regular since J. Carter, but switched to No Party after the last AZ primary. The Maricopa Clown Show became too much.

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Wish you could see the video of me being brutally honest with CD8 voters last night about why they need to change how they vote or “.... keep getting our asses kicked...”

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