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Arizona will be broke -- by design -- until the Flat Tax is repealed. Arizona is only the second state dumb to pass the Flat Tax. After years of horrific budget cuts, Kansas was finally smart enough to repeal the Flat Tax on a bipartisan vote. When now Speaker of the House Ben Toma was pushing hard for passage of the Flat Tax in 2021, he got really pissed off at those of us who talked about what happened to Kansas' economy. He said: "Kansas had the guts to pass the Flat Tax, but didn't have the guts to make all of the necessary budget cuts to make it work." I shuddered when I heard him say that on the Floor of the House. This is where Arizona is now. We have plenty of money. We giving it away. Kansas didn't have education support for rich kids (ESAs) draining their budget at the same time. The Flat Tax is why Arizonans, who aren't millionaires, won't "have nice things" in the future.

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