Yes, we too can extend Tucson city government to Maricopa County. Let's go through Tucson's misdeeds: Tucson has the same number of jobs that they had in April of 2007, 15 years ago. Why? They run expensive and ineffective government. They have 380,000 miles of cracks and potholes in 4,500 miles of roads. In their last measure, only 8% of residents rated their neighborhood an excellent place to raise a child. So, Tucson followed Baltimore's path and quit measuring customer satisfaction.
As a result of not producing any jobs for the last 15 years, Tucson set an all-time record for murders in 2021. All-time! That's what happens when young men can't find work, they fall apart.
Tucson city government protects Tucson Unified from robust competition by charter schools. Still doesn't work. Only 32% of Tucson Unified parents rate their child's school excellent. This compares with Mesa Unified at 66% and Chandler Unified at 72%. Result? Tucson Unified is in a death spiral. Once the second largest district in the state, they don't even rank now. They lose 500 students per year, year after year- that's the equivalent of a whole school.
So now we are crowing about bringing this mess to Maricopa County? And, we express alarm that Maricopa County is not already run by Democrats???? Not that long ago, Maricopa County was rated the best managed county in the U.S. They had a strategic plan that was alive and well, management measures for every agency and department that were tied into performance pay.
As a result, they could crow about the fact that Maricopa County was part of the success that lead to them being the fastest growing county out of all 3,000+ counties in the U.S.
This discipline, if it even still exists, won't last a single year if Democrats take over.
"steady drip of the coffee chain’s employees seek to unionize"
Yes, we too can extend Tucson city government to Maricopa County. Let's go through Tucson's misdeeds: Tucson has the same number of jobs that they had in April of 2007, 15 years ago. Why? They run expensive and ineffective government. They have 380,000 miles of cracks and potholes in 4,500 miles of roads. In their last measure, only 8% of residents rated their neighborhood an excellent place to raise a child. So, Tucson followed Baltimore's path and quit measuring customer satisfaction.
As a result of not producing any jobs for the last 15 years, Tucson set an all-time record for murders in 2021. All-time! That's what happens when young men can't find work, they fall apart.
Tucson city government protects Tucson Unified from robust competition by charter schools. Still doesn't work. Only 32% of Tucson Unified parents rate their child's school excellent. This compares with Mesa Unified at 66% and Chandler Unified at 72%. Result? Tucson Unified is in a death spiral. Once the second largest district in the state, they don't even rank now. They lose 500 students per year, year after year- that's the equivalent of a whole school.
So now we are crowing about bringing this mess to Maricopa County? And, we express alarm that Maricopa County is not already run by Democrats???? Not that long ago, Maricopa County was rated the best managed county in the U.S. They had a strategic plan that was alive and well, management measures for every agency and department that were tied into performance pay.
As a result, they could crow about the fact that Maricopa County was part of the success that lead to them being the fastest growing county out of all 3,000+ counties in the U.S.
This discipline, if it even still exists, won't last a single year if Democrats take over.