A few years ago I suggested having a "Bulwer-Lytton of the Caliche" contest: shermandorn.com/wordpre… -- you could take it over and run it, as a way to address the summer lull between spring legislative ridiculousness and whatever ridiculousness happens in fall.
A few years ago I suggested having a "Bulwer-Lytton of the Caliche" contest: https://shermandorn.com/wordpress/?p=9193 -- you could take it over and run it, as a way to address the summer lull between spring legislative ridiculousness and whatever ridiculousness happens in fall.
A few years ago I suggested having a "Bulwer-Lytton of the Caliche" contest: https://shermandorn.com/wordpress/?p=9193 -- you could take it over and run it, as a way to address the summer lull between spring legislative ridiculousness and whatever ridiculousness happens in fall.
This is ridiculous i love it and i subscribed