My primary concern with some recent decisions of the Court arises from comsciously ignoring some laws in order to allow a desired result to take place. Alito subscribed to that notion for decades. Unfortunately a majority joined him by pretending the 9th Amendment didn't exist in concurring on Dobbs. Roe v. Wade was a stretch. Dobbs v. jackson was a farce.
My primary concern with some recent decisions of the Court arises from comsciously ignoring some laws in order to allow a desired result to take place. Alito subscribed to that notion for decades. Unfortunately a majority joined him by pretending the 9th Amendment didn't exist in concurring on Dobbs. Roe v. Wade was a stretch. Dobbs v. jackson was a farce.
My primary concern with some recent decisions of the Court arises from comsciously ignoring some laws in order to allow a desired result to take place. Alito subscribed to that notion for decades. Unfortunately a majority joined him by pretending the 9th Amendment didn't exist in concurring on Dobbs. Roe v. Wade was a stretch. Dobbs v. jackson was a farce.