I fully support ranked choice voting as a way to elect candidates who represent a larger portion of citizens. And hopefully the system would attract candidates who wish to appeal to our better nature and not our extremes. I don’t know when it could be fully implemented. It will be a big job in this entrenched two party system.
I fully support ranked choice voting as a way to elect candidates who represent a larger portion of citizens. And hopefully the system would attract candidates who wish to appeal to our better nature and not our extremes. I don’t know when it could be fully implemented. It will be a big job in this entrenched two party system.
I fully support ranked choice voting as a way to elect candidates who represent a larger portion of citizens. And hopefully the system would attract candidates who wish to appeal to our better nature and not our extremes. I don’t know when it could be fully implemented. It will be a big job in this entrenched two party system.