Getting mileage while not working increased their pay this year. I think if the legislature actually focused on important issues mentioned above by Ms Powers, voters would be more open to paying them more.
Getting mileage while not working increased their pay this year. I think if the legislature actually focused on important issues mentioned above by Ms Powers, voters would be more open to paying them more.
I agree. If legislators were more focused on serious Arizona issues, water, reproductive rights, housing, public education ….and actually passed some bills that make a difference, then I would be more inclined to vote for a raise.
Getting mileage while not working increased their pay this year. I think if the legislature actually focused on important issues mentioned above by Ms Powers, voters would be more open to paying them more.
I agree. If legislators were more focused on serious Arizona issues, water, reproductive rights, housing, public education ….and actually passed some bills that make a difference, then I would be more inclined to vote for a raise.