I thought I was fairly savvy about this stuff, but I thought you had coined the word "grasstops" and was going to commend you for the invention until I looked it up and saw it was an actual thing. So instead I'll just thank you for teaching me something (as you often do).

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I had never heard the term either until I was reporting this story about plastics a while back.


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Tom Horne, destroying public education one word at a time.

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Very enjoyable AZ Agenda. Keep up the good work!

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People are being SO vicious towards Tempe residents online!! Like, over the top hateful for voting down an arena for one of the least successful major league sports franchises ever.

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I too loved the word "grasstops" but loved the analysis even more. Is a progressive really a progressive if the deals s/he/they put together don't involve public input? And how in touch with the voters are politicians, even local ones? In general I have respect for most members of the Tucson City Council but the arguments against this by one of them were quite persuasive. I vaguely realized that the right wing of the city didn't like this deal for different reasons than mine, and had a very vague hope that this would go down by just such a mirage coalition of crazies on the right with anti-capitalists of any stripe. Lets hope the Council learns something (sort of a rarity for many politicians i think) and strikes a much harder deal with a company that is surely far more interested in the welfare of its shareholders than its ratepayers.....(and why not?! The "tucson" in TEP is just a figurehead11am I wrong? isn't the parent company Canadian)

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