Continue your coverage of the Maricopa County Supervisors. Highlighting their intelligent moves will encourage them to keep on keeping on and may make an impression on weaker politicians to stand up for what they really believe in.

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Which Arizona elections will have the greatest impact for Arizona residents if Roe v. Wade is reversed? County Attorneys - and particularly Maricopa County Attorney - where Gunnigle has always owned the issue. She insisted throughout her 2020 campaign that if elected she would not prosecute women for abortions. A: She fiercely supports a woman's right to control reproduction; B: Prosecuting abortions would consume a massive amount of the C.A.'s capacity; and C: Rape victims would be triple punished - once when raped - twice when their rapist wasn't prosecuted as is so often the case and a third time if they aborted the fetus. The Governor of our State will have the second most immediate impact through the right to veto new abortion bills. Also expect some regions to defy State legislation. Tucson has a long history of breaking from State mandates. I would expect Tucson to defy oppressive abortion legislation just as it has behaved with issues like gun control.

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Maybe it's time to put restrictions on men!!! Example: If arrested for abuse, etc your must be fixed or take mandated contraception. If only in my dreams it would happen

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At 73 and being male, the right to an abortion or having that taken away does not resonate the way it does with women. Heard a quote on KJZZ today “If men could get pregnant, abortion would me a sacrament.” Did not hear the name of the women who said this, but she is/was very wise. I hope there is a ballot initiative and would support it. When people ask me whether I am Pro Life or Pro Abortion I always answer - Yes! There must be a choice for a multitude of reasons.

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I am really enjoying the coverage as it is and happy with the news stories you and Hank consistently provide us in our weekly emails. Due to being a political junkie, I would only ask for any potential polling news you can get for the Arizona offices up for grabs in 2022.

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