I suggest you do a "deep dive" into what in-state undergraduate university students actually pay to attend our state universities. You can start at the last Board of Regents report at https://www.azregents.edu/sites/default/files/reports/2020-financial_aid_report.pdf

After receiving federal grants, state need grants and other aid, about half the students pay no tuition and the rest far less than the approximately $12,000 it costs in tuition. I am not counting room, board, and travel as the Arizona Constitution says instruction shall be free, not four-years of living and travel expenses.

So for many, tuition is better than as near free as possible because it is free. Congratulations to people like Michael Crow who so improved the reputation of ASU that out-of-state students are willing to pay $30k per year to attend because that extra cash pays for most of the in-state need grants.

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I’m still tens of thousands of dollars in debt from that nearly free in-state university system.

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Jack McCain leaving Twitter is somehow important? No. It is not. To paraphrase Chump..."so what"? Routine users of Twitter or "X" or other social media sites are so full of their own self-importance it is sickening. Go read a book.

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Hey, just because we write about it doesn’t make it “important.”

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Not being critical of Agenda. You gotta write about it so we can see how feeble they are.

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Wait until Hoffman hears that the phone company used to dox EVERYBODY by putting their phone numbers & home addresses in a book that was distributed, for free, to EVERYBODY. What a dystopian nightmare!

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I remember as a kid seeing names with no addresses (which really stood out because they broke up the whole *flow* of the phone book) and instantly thinking, "What do they gotta' hide? Are they hobo's? A really long wire comes down from the pole and they carry it around with them?"

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