I certainly understand that boring is bad for creative types, so, fine. That being said, while it would make it difficult for you, I would be so pleased if politics became truly boring. Imagine politicians of all ideologies having reasoned debates about their alternative approaches to civic issues, and then working together to implement them in the best way they can. (I know, we really have to use our imagination for this). I'd be so happy, and I'd move on to other pursuits.

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Ducey = Puny. He wins the "Lousy Governor Award". What a useless tool.

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From Agua Prieta's Baseball Stadium where an international homerun can happen... My Grandmother's story is when Pancho Villa would rampage thru A.P., & the people in Douglas would climb to the rooftops, to view the action. One time, a bullet crossed the border, killing a Douglasite on his roof. Grandmother told me, the politicians in A.P. (mayor??) declared a law, that gun shooting must be parallel to the border.

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I am President and Founder of Arizonans for Non-Smokes' Rights. a 501 (C) 4 Political Action Organization. I am an unpaid, volunteer lobbyist for ANSR. I have served since 1985, I'm lobbying for smoke-free/vaping free schools and smoke-free assisted living facilities. My Substack newsletter is being published under Disability Rights. Kids are smoking E-cigarettes in schools. My newsletter is free. Please subscribe.

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One consolation, as a reader, I'm never bored of your content. Had me laughing out loud with the last opinion about reporting the Presidential races over years.

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