I have always enjoyed your writing Daniel Scarpinato. I will be looking forward to reading your views.

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Please cancel my subscription. I did not sign on to read lying, boot licking cowards like Scarpinato.

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This is pretty funny stuff coming from a guy who voted for the guy (probably twice!) who did everything he could to be sure GOP voters thought of the press as an "enemy of the people" and practically trademarked the phrase "fake news". He's the arsonist who complains about the forest fires.

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As a guy rooted squarely in the middle, I appreciate your thoughts.

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Well that was nice, Daniel. I'm glad you have the chance to share your experiences as handmaid to the horrible.

But I have to disagree with the blanket statement that "Republicans are not the enemy of the people". Maybe not ALL Republicans, and certainly not all Republican voters, but those Republican politicians defending sedition against our government, or denying it even happened, and those abetting baseless lies about the 2020 election, and using those lies to pass laws designed to differentially disenfranchise voters that don't agree with them, certainly DO qualify as the enemies of democracy, and thus of the American people.

I don't see that Ducey is doing either of those things, though, in a cynical ploy to preserve his viability for the Senate or Presidency, he is also not doing anything to oppose either trend in his own party. He is supposed to be LEADING the GOP in Arizona, but has abandoned that role entirely to lying opportunists like Chairperson Ward and Kari Lake. His handling of COVID led to the premature and unnecessary death, suffering and disability of many Arizonans. His Administration has used every opportunity to afflict the afflicted, and comfort and benefit only the wealthiest in a manner that has been cartoonishly vile and corrupt.

So, overall, I would say that while Daniel's boss may not fully qualify as an enemy of the people, he was an utterly feckless, homicidally reckless, contemptibly cowardly, and thoroughly corrupt leader: not a great achievement for two terms as Governor, and certainly nothing to be proud of, nor to celebrate, Daniel.

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Local media has rightly acknowledged the radicalization of the AZ Republican Party and in turn AZ Republicans have responded by condemning media bias.

But it’s not biased if it’s true. When local Republicans do something basic like restoring education funding, admit our elections are secure or that COVID deserves a meaningful response from state government, the media swoons.

Unfortunately, Scarpinato and his boss couldn’t even do those basic things very often. Blaming the media for valid criticism seems to lack a lot of self-evaluation.

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where is the dislike button? we get enough rightwing bullshit *looks around* EVERYWHERE ELSE.

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"I’d be curious how many reporters still walk the halls of the Capitol and just pop into lawmakers’ offices to chit-chat." Considering the Senate has been actively trying to limit their ability to do just that, I would guess not many Daniel! This is so disingenuous. I love the AZ Agenda because of your journalistic integrity. I didn't sign up to read conservative op-eds.

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