My brother in law (who’s registered Rep but not MAGA) is a family practitioner in MI. He told us to settle down with our anxiety about Thurs debate. It appeared to him that Pres. Biden was suffering side effects of cold or cough medicine and it wore off as night progressed. He went into long explanation as scientists are wont to do but it made complete sense in layman’s terms. “He looked and behaved like you after you took Benadryl because of our cats.”
Jake Tapper:. In your second term, what would you do to make childcare more affordable?
TRUMP: Just to go back. The general [Kelly} got fired because he was no good. And if he said that, that’s why he made it up. But we have 19 people that said I didn’t say it, [vets are suckers and losers] and they’re very highly respected, much more so than him.
The other thing is, he doesn’t fire people. He never fired people. I’ve never seen him fire anybody. I did fire a lot. I fired Comey because he was no good. I fired a lot of the top people at the FBI, drained the swamp. They were no good. Not easy to fire people. You’d pay a price for it, but they were no good. I inherited these people. I didn’t put him there. I didn’t put Comey there. He was no good. I fired him.
This guy hasn’t fired anybody. He never fires. He should have fired every military man that was involved with that Afghan – the Afghanistan horror show. The most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. He didn’t fire?
Did you fire anybody? Did you fire anybody that’s on the border, that’s allowed us to have the worst border in the history of the world? Did anybody get fired for allowing 18 million people, many from prisons, many from mental institutions? Did you fire anybody that allowed our country to be destroyed? Joe, our country is being destroyed as you and I sit up here and waste a lot of time on this debate. This shouldn’t be a debate.
He is the worst president. He just said it about me because I said it. But look, he’s the worst president in the history of our country. He’s destroyed our country. Now, all of a sudden, he’s trying to get a little tough on the border. He come out – came out with a nothing deal, and it reduced it a little bit. A little bit, like this much. It’s insignificant.
BIDEN: We are the most admired country in the world. We’re the United States of America. There’s nothing beyond our capacity. We have the finest military in the history of the world. The finest in the history of the world. No one thinks we’re weak. No one wants to screw around with us. Nobody. Number one.
Number two, the idea that we’re talking about worst presidents. I wasn’t joking. Look it up. Go online. 159 or 58, don’t hold me to the exact number, presidential historians. They’ve had meetings and they voted who’s the worst president in American history. One through best to worst. They said he was the worst in all of American history. That’s a fact. That’s not conjecture. He can argue they are wrong, but that’s what they voted.
The idea that he is knowing (ph) – doing anything to deal with child care. He did very – virtually nothing to child care. We should significantly increase the child care tax credit. We should significantly increase the availability of women and men for child or single parents to be able to go back to work, and we should encourage businesses to hold – to have child care facilities.
BIDEN: We are the most admired country in the world. We’re the United States of America. There’s nothing beyond our capacity. We have the finest military in the history of the world. The finest in the history of the world. No one thinks we’re weak. No one wants to screw around with us. Nobody. Number one.
Number two, the idea that we’re talking about worst presidents. I wasn’t joking. Look it up. Go online. 159 or 58, don’t hold me to the exact number, presidential historians. They’ve had meetings and they voted who’s the worst president in American history. One through best to worst. They said he was the worst in all of American history. That’s a fact. That’s not conjecture. He can argue they are wrong, but that’s what they voted.
The idea that he is knowing (ph) – doing anything to deal with child care. He did very – virtually nothing to child care. We should significantly increase the child care tax credit. We should significantly increase the availability of women and men for child or single parents to be able to go back to work, and we should encourage businesses to hold – to have child care facilities.
More fake videos? The casual audience watched the first 15 minutes and recognized a demented old man-confirming their concerns. For Biden it was game over and he is not getting younger.
Yet trump is a convicted felon, a grifter, an insurrectionist, a threat to national security, and designated by historians as the worst president in our history, but he gets a pass. Who exactly is gaslighting?
Convicted felon. Let’s see the #3 prosecutor from DOJ swoops in from DC to NY and takes a case that the FEC, the former DA and Bragg had all said no way, and files. He shoe horns a misdemeanor into a felony, and gets a hand picked judge to hear the case.
Trump likely paid off a hooker, but when did that become illegal-especially a felony? I will answer when Trump decided to run and they waited 3 years to file.
Lawfare is not the American way to win, but Biden has broken that agreement just as Harry Reid did on judges and now liberals are whining about that.
All the Left cares about is POWER-the ends justify the means.
Surely you know the difference between hookers & an actress in porn films, Douglas ... however, neither do you know how well-respected Judge Merchan is, as you egregiously misrepresent him as a hand picked judge. Enjoy your snivel-fest, while the rest of us get things handled.
The 12th one, which will show only for Maricopa County ballots, and which will be a 400-series measure unlike the others, is apparently not bad - a funding issue for education, I believe (someone correct me if I have the topic wrong).
"And since last week’s debate, Biden has proven himself mentally unfit to handle the rigors and demands of the job, giving one of the worst debate performances from a presidential contender in history. " As Biden himself notes, he is old. We old guys have good days and bad days. That was clearly a bad one (although an hour later he gave a strong speech), but he's smart enough to have smart and effective people on his team to smooth over some of the rough spots. And it's that same old guy who, with his team, has been more effective at pushing through progressive legislation than anyone since LBJ. And the other guy? Yes, very effective at streaming horses--t. Nonstop. And ready to deport so many people that our economy would crash and inflation would rise (fewer people to inject money in the economy, fewer farmworkers, fewer people for elder care, etc). So here's my conclusion: if Biden were 110 years old and on a ventilator, I would vote for him over that other guy.
The job demands are so overwhelming that an old man cannot effectively protect us. The threat levels added by a nuked up world do not allow space\time for contemplation or indecisiveness in a crisis. Trump may be bombastic and over the top but he will protect us.
Are you actually trying to convince this group that Trump is 1) Not old. 2) Not mentally declining. 3) Will "protect us?" Protect us from what?!! No, Doug, we need to protect our country from Trump and vote against him and his Project 2025 agenda, along with his now free will if elected to do whatever the hell he wants thanks to his good friends in the Supreme Court.
Or dare? What a Trumpian and childish comment. And your rebuttal and opinion is wrong as usual.
Healthcare and Social Services: The initiative suggests privatizing various public services and reducing the scope of federal social programs, including Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. These changes would shift to a greater reliance on state and local governments, as well as private entities, for the provision of these types of services. (Trump wants to so badly cut these "entitlement" programs)
Executive Power: A significant aspect of Project 2025 is the expansion of executive power. It proposes consolidating authority within the presidency, reducing the independence of federal agencies and increasing presidential control over policy implementation. This shift aims to streamline decision-making processes but raises concerns about the potential for executive overreach. (King Trump!! Your dream scenario Doug)
Environmental Regulations: Project 2025 seeks to roll back many of the Biden administration's climate policies. It proposes the dismantling of the Environmental Protection Agency's renewable energy programs, reducing funding for environmental justice initiatives and halting the expansion of the electrical grid for wind and solar energy. The project envisions a regulatory environment that favors the fossil fuel industry, potentially slowing the transition to renewable energy sources. (More global heating)
Social Policies: The project outlines a significant shift in social policies, particularly around reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ issues. It advocates for the reversal of federal protections for abortion and contraception and suggests the reinstatement of the Comstock Act to limit mail-order abortion pills while proposing the removal of federal funding from providers who offer reproductive health services. Additionally, it includes measures to restrict LGBTQ+ rights and remove diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives from federal programs. (White nationalism at its best. Your kind of people Doug)
Education and Public Services: Project 2025 calls for budget savings that would eliminate the Department of Education, delivering more control of education standards to state and local authorities. It would also eliminate the Head Start early education program. (Let other countries get smarter and ban books just like your MAGA buddies in Florida and Texas)
Project 2025 is a 900-page report, so I'll add more at another time for your viewing pleasure.
Ok Mike we are staring down the barrel of $33 Trillion in debt, a trillion a year just for interest.
If you think government is sustainable with all the programs running at full tilt spending, you are lying- you claim to be a “financial services advisor,” which, I assume, has something to do with math.
Don’t bear false witness (witlessness) especially in public.
You are right that we can't continue to rack up debt like drunken sailors. But we can't afford to cut taxes either since those don't pay for themselves. We also need to fund the IRS so that tax cheats don't avoid paying what they owe. By and large, the biggest tax cheats are the wealthiest among us.
You assume I'm not paying attention to our trillions in debt and also assumed I'm ok with it as a "financial services advisor". Get real. I've been paying attention for years. Simple answer, this is the cause of many presidents, but mostly from Reagan all the way to Biden today. Both parties have run up the debt and then kicked the can down the road for future administrations and a future Congress to deal with, between expensive social programs and tax cuts for the rich (the ridiculous notion of "trickle-down economics) has put us where we're today. The problem is you can't get Congress to pass real debt reduction policies as both parties are too spineless and afraid to make real tough decisions as politicians are always looking out for themselves first. On a professional lever, that's why I help families everyday avoid these mistakes now and show them a proper financial plan for a better future.
According to CEBV, in addition to the 11 legislature-originated ballot measures that are in everyone's ballot, there will also be one that is only for Maricopa County.
I think many have over-reacted to Bidens debate flub. A cold would definitely explain it. Hell, I have trouble at the drive-thru if I feel crappy. And, let's not forget, Chump lied from beginning til the end. I just don't think there are as many "undecideds" as it might appear. A lot of people just don't want to answer who they will vote for even though they have made their minds up long ago.
Just remember, this was NOT a debate. Rather it was a pontification by one person. I would love to see a true debate, but since the last one I can remember was the Lincoln-Douglas debates, I'll try not to be too disappointed. Even as I watched that debacle, I pondered how I would have responded. The lies were overwhelming, and should I respond to those, or say something truthful? But the audiences are fickle and it seems like the media is even worse. We must keep working to get out the vote.
Come on Hank & Nicole, "...proven himself to be mentally unfit..." -- is an unfounded accusation. On the stage next to President Biden, was the vile man ready to release his Krakens were the unthinkable of that wrathful one's re-election. Biden had a cold, & should have postponed the debate, but we can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. My intuition tells me that Ron Klain had the wrong approach with debate preparations, filling President Biden with statistics, rather than allowing Dark Brandon's spontaneity to fire back & invigorate the clueless Americans who don't realize President Biden's accomplishments.
I am ridin' with Biden, the man who has our backs, & we should be supportive with him.
Regarding abortion, according to polling done by Data Orbital, the abortion issue, whether on the ballot this year or not, reached its peak for the Democrats in 2022. They have no more reach left with that issue. Too, GOP registration is up remarkably after laying back in 2022. Easy prediction is Trump wins AZ and Schweickert, Ciscomani too. Lake is a toss-up.
I don’t know who data orbital polled but abortion is decidedly on the ballot in ‘24. I mean, it is literally ON THE BALLOT, here in Arizona this November.
I will, most definitely, try harder next time. Perhaps, someday, with your continued tactful advice and guidance, I will be worthy of expressing an opinion. A gal can dream, anyway.
Have a lovely day as you continue to spread your sunshiney personality upon all you encounter. 😘
I call on every Democrat to get a spine. Joe is our most successful legislative President since FDR. So one poor debate, with a horrible platform, no fact checking, allowing a maniac spew hate filled, lies non-stop, about our country, is enough to ask a Presidential candidate to step down??? What !!!!! I am unapologetically a Democrat, but I encourage all to read what Rick Wilson, Stuart Stevens of the Lincoln Project & Resolute Square has to say. Again, Our Democratic leaders need to get a spine and look at the reality of this situation. I would also like to see how anyone in this comment section would do against a shouting maniac with keeping their thoughts together to respond effectively
I don't agree that Biden is mentally unfit. He is old, as is Trump. However, he is more mentally fit than Trump. Unlike Trump, Biden can complete a sentence. Unlike Trump, he doesn't repeat the same nonsense over and over again. Biden's ability to converse is not at the level of a seven-year-old, who would greatly benefit from speech and language therapy.
Journalists, who write that Biden is too old, must admit that Trump is too old as well. Not doing so, suggests that Trump is not old. The debate, if you choose to call it that, was not a debacle because of Biden. It was a debacle because of Biden and Trump.
My brother in law (who’s registered Rep but not MAGA) is a family practitioner in MI. He told us to settle down with our anxiety about Thurs debate. It appeared to him that Pres. Biden was suffering side effects of cold or cough medicine and it wore off as night progressed. He went into long explanation as scientists are wont to do but it made complete sense in layman’s terms. “He looked and behaved like you after you took Benadryl because of our cats.”
If you read the transcript, Biden is cogent, once he got his footing.
But he finally beat Medicare. I
Jake Tapper:. In your second term, what would you do to make childcare more affordable?
TRUMP: Just to go back. The general [Kelly} got fired because he was no good. And if he said that, that’s why he made it up. But we have 19 people that said I didn’t say it, [vets are suckers and losers] and they’re very highly respected, much more so than him.
The other thing is, he doesn’t fire people. He never fired people. I’ve never seen him fire anybody. I did fire a lot. I fired Comey because he was no good. I fired a lot of the top people at the FBI, drained the swamp. They were no good. Not easy to fire people. You’d pay a price for it, but they were no good. I inherited these people. I didn’t put him there. I didn’t put Comey there. He was no good. I fired him.
This guy hasn’t fired anybody. He never fires. He should have fired every military man that was involved with that Afghan – the Afghanistan horror show. The most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. He didn’t fire?
Did you fire anybody? Did you fire anybody that’s on the border, that’s allowed us to have the worst border in the history of the world? Did anybody get fired for allowing 18 million people, many from prisons, many from mental institutions? Did you fire anybody that allowed our country to be destroyed? Joe, our country is being destroyed as you and I sit up here and waste a lot of time on this debate. This shouldn’t be a debate.
He is the worst president. He just said it about me because I said it. But look, he’s the worst president in the history of our country. He’s destroyed our country. Now, all of a sudden, he’s trying to get a little tough on the border. He come out – came out with a nothing deal, and it reduced it a little bit. A little bit, like this much. It’s insignificant.
BIDEN: We are the most admired country in the world. We’re the United States of America. There’s nothing beyond our capacity. We have the finest military in the history of the world. The finest in the history of the world. No one thinks we’re weak. No one wants to screw around with us. Nobody. Number one.
Number two, the idea that we’re talking about worst presidents. I wasn’t joking. Look it up. Go online. 159 or 58, don’t hold me to the exact number, presidential historians. They’ve had meetings and they voted who’s the worst president in American history. One through best to worst. They said he was the worst in all of American history. That’s a fact. That’s not conjecture. He can argue they are wrong, but that’s what they voted.
The idea that he is knowing (ph) – doing anything to deal with child care. He did very – virtually nothing to child care. We should significantly increase the child care tax credit. We should significantly increase the availability of women and men for child or single parents to be able to go back to work, and we should encourage businesses to hold – to have child care facilities.
BIDEN: We are the most admired country in the world. We’re the United States of America. There’s nothing beyond our capacity. We have the finest military in the history of the world. The finest in the history of the world. No one thinks we’re weak. No one wants to screw around with us. Nobody. Number one.
Number two, the idea that we’re talking about worst presidents. I wasn’t joking. Look it up. Go online. 159 or 58, don’t hold me to the exact number, presidential historians. They’ve had meetings and they voted who’s the worst president in American history. One through best to worst. They said he was the worst in all of American history. That’s a fact. That’s not conjecture. He can argue they are wrong, but that’s what they voted.
The idea that he is knowing (ph) – doing anything to deal with child care. He did very – virtually nothing to child care. We should significantly increase the child care tax credit. We should significantly increase the availability of women and men for child or single parents to be able to go back to work, and we should encourage businesses to hold – to have child care facilities.
Biden magically appeared fine at the waffle house walk around later that night. You are gaslighting us with the cold crapoola.
Gee, it’s as if the side effects of cold med wore off. Off you go to touch grass or cacti.
More fake videos? The casual audience watched the first 15 minutes and recognized a demented old man-confirming their concerns. For Biden it was game over and he is not getting younger.
Yet trump is a convicted felon, a grifter, an insurrectionist, a threat to national security, and designated by historians as the worst president in our history, but he gets a pass. Who exactly is gaslighting?
Convicted felon. Let’s see the #3 prosecutor from DOJ swoops in from DC to NY and takes a case that the FEC, the former DA and Bragg had all said no way, and files. He shoe horns a misdemeanor into a felony, and gets a hand picked judge to hear the case.
Trump likely paid off a hooker, but when did that become illegal-especially a felony? I will answer when Trump decided to run and they waited 3 years to file.
Lawfare is not the American way to win, but Biden has broken that agreement just as Harry Reid did on judges and now liberals are whining about that.
All the Left cares about is POWER-the ends justify the means.
Surely you know the difference between hookers & an actress in porn films, Douglas ... however, neither do you know how well-respected Judge Merchan is, as you egregiously misrepresent him as a hand picked judge. Enjoy your snivel-fest, while the rest of us get things handled.
"Voters will see 11 referrals that Republican lawmakers sent to the November ballot."
Voters should vote no on all of them. They're all bad.
The 12th one, which will show only for Maricopa County ballots, and which will be a 400-series measure unlike the others, is apparently not bad - a funding issue for education, I believe (someone correct me if I have the topic wrong).
It was referred by the county. That's why it has a 400 number.
Here's the wording.
The 11 legislative referalls don't include citizens' initiatives. There's a list here..
Thanks. I didn't recall the details on that county one.
"And since last week’s debate, Biden has proven himself mentally unfit to handle the rigors and demands of the job, giving one of the worst debate performances from a presidential contender in history. " As Biden himself notes, he is old. We old guys have good days and bad days. That was clearly a bad one (although an hour later he gave a strong speech), but he's smart enough to have smart and effective people on his team to smooth over some of the rough spots. And it's that same old guy who, with his team, has been more effective at pushing through progressive legislation than anyone since LBJ. And the other guy? Yes, very effective at streaming horses--t. Nonstop. And ready to deport so many people that our economy would crash and inflation would rise (fewer people to inject money in the economy, fewer farmworkers, fewer people for elder care, etc). So here's my conclusion: if Biden were 110 years old and on a ventilator, I would vote for him over that other guy.
The job demands are so overwhelming that an old man cannot effectively protect us. The threat levels added by a nuked up world do not allow space\time for contemplation or indecisiveness in a crisis. Trump may be bombastic and over the top but he will protect us.
Are you actually trying to convince this group that Trump is 1) Not old. 2) Not mentally declining. 3) Will "protect us?" Protect us from what?!! No, Doug, we need to protect our country from Trump and vote against him and his Project 2025 agenda, along with his now free will if elected to do whatever the hell he wants thanks to his good friends in the Supreme Court.
I would be willing to bet you (like 99% on the Left) have never read the Project 2025 documents.
Please, tell us what is so objectionable? If you can, or dare.
Or dare? What a Trumpian and childish comment. And your rebuttal and opinion is wrong as usual.
Healthcare and Social Services: The initiative suggests privatizing various public services and reducing the scope of federal social programs, including Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. These changes would shift to a greater reliance on state and local governments, as well as private entities, for the provision of these types of services. (Trump wants to so badly cut these "entitlement" programs)
Executive Power: A significant aspect of Project 2025 is the expansion of executive power. It proposes consolidating authority within the presidency, reducing the independence of federal agencies and increasing presidential control over policy implementation. This shift aims to streamline decision-making processes but raises concerns about the potential for executive overreach. (King Trump!! Your dream scenario Doug)
Environmental Regulations: Project 2025 seeks to roll back many of the Biden administration's climate policies. It proposes the dismantling of the Environmental Protection Agency's renewable energy programs, reducing funding for environmental justice initiatives and halting the expansion of the electrical grid for wind and solar energy. The project envisions a regulatory environment that favors the fossil fuel industry, potentially slowing the transition to renewable energy sources. (More global heating)
Social Policies: The project outlines a significant shift in social policies, particularly around reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ issues. It advocates for the reversal of federal protections for abortion and contraception and suggests the reinstatement of the Comstock Act to limit mail-order abortion pills while proposing the removal of federal funding from providers who offer reproductive health services. Additionally, it includes measures to restrict LGBTQ+ rights and remove diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives from federal programs. (White nationalism at its best. Your kind of people Doug)
Education and Public Services: Project 2025 calls for budget savings that would eliminate the Department of Education, delivering more control of education standards to state and local authorities. It would also eliminate the Head Start early education program. (Let other countries get smarter and ban books just like your MAGA buddies in Florida and Texas)
Project 2025 is a 900-page report, so I'll add more at another time for your viewing pleasure.
Ok Mike we are staring down the barrel of $33 Trillion in debt, a trillion a year just for interest.
If you think government is sustainable with all the programs running at full tilt spending, you are lying- you claim to be a “financial services advisor,” which, I assume, has something to do with math.
Don’t bear false witness (witlessness) especially in public.
You are right that we can't continue to rack up debt like drunken sailors. But we can't afford to cut taxes either since those don't pay for themselves. We also need to fund the IRS so that tax cheats don't avoid paying what they owe. By and large, the biggest tax cheats are the wealthiest among us.
You assume I'm not paying attention to our trillions in debt and also assumed I'm ok with it as a "financial services advisor". Get real. I've been paying attention for years. Simple answer, this is the cause of many presidents, but mostly from Reagan all the way to Biden today. Both parties have run up the debt and then kicked the can down the road for future administrations and a future Congress to deal with, between expensive social programs and tax cuts for the rich (the ridiculous notion of "trickle-down economics) has put us where we're today. The problem is you can't get Congress to pass real debt reduction policies as both parties are too spineless and afraid to make real tough decisions as politicians are always looking out for themselves first. On a professional lever, that's why I help families everyday avoid these mistakes now and show them a proper financial plan for a better future.
According to CEBV, in addition to the 11 legislature-originated ballot measures that are in everyone's ballot, there will also be one that is only for Maricopa County.
I think many have over-reacted to Bidens debate flub. A cold would definitely explain it. Hell, I have trouble at the drive-thru if I feel crappy. And, let's not forget, Chump lied from beginning til the end. I just don't think there are as many "undecideds" as it might appear. A lot of people just don't want to answer who they will vote for even though they have made their minds up long ago.
Just remember, this was NOT a debate. Rather it was a pontification by one person. I would love to see a true debate, but since the last one I can remember was the Lincoln-Douglas debates, I'll try not to be too disappointed. Even as I watched that debacle, I pondered how I would have responded. The lies were overwhelming, and should I respond to those, or say something truthful? But the audiences are fickle and it seems like the media is even worse. We must keep working to get out the vote.
Come on Hank & Nicole, "...proven himself to be mentally unfit..." -- is an unfounded accusation. On the stage next to President Biden, was the vile man ready to release his Krakens were the unthinkable of that wrathful one's re-election. Biden had a cold, & should have postponed the debate, but we can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. My intuition tells me that Ron Klain had the wrong approach with debate preparations, filling President Biden with statistics, rather than allowing Dark Brandon's spontaneity to fire back & invigorate the clueless Americans who don't realize President Biden's accomplishments.
I am ridin' with Biden, the man who has our backs, & we should be supportive with him.
He's not likely to fill out a new term. Do you really want kackala as your Prez?
Same for Trump. I'll take Harris over any Trump VP clown like Vance, Burgum or Lil' Marco..
She's a disaster and everybody sees it. Her poll numbers are LOWER than Biden's
"....everybody sees it." Everybody?
Wow, that's racist.
Palate cleanser: The Debate: We Failed President Biden
Why our reaction became the story and how we can do better.
Regarding abortion, according to polling done by Data Orbital, the abortion issue, whether on the ballot this year or not, reached its peak for the Democrats in 2022. They have no more reach left with that issue. Too, GOP registration is up remarkably after laying back in 2022. Easy prediction is Trump wins AZ and Schweickert, Ciscomani too. Lake is a toss-up.
I don’t know who data orbital polled but abortion is decidedly on the ballot in ‘24. I mean, it is literally ON THE BALLOT, here in Arizona this November.
My point is and of course, you missed it, is that whether it is or not, the votes will not change due to its presence. Try harder next time
Aren’t you delightful!
I will, most definitely, try harder next time. Perhaps, someday, with your continued tactful advice and guidance, I will be worthy of expressing an opinion. A gal can dream, anyway.
Have a lovely day as you continue to spread your sunshiney personality upon all you encounter. 😘
I call on every Democrat to get a spine. Joe is our most successful legislative President since FDR. So one poor debate, with a horrible platform, no fact checking, allowing a maniac spew hate filled, lies non-stop, about our country, is enough to ask a Presidential candidate to step down??? What !!!!! I am unapologetically a Democrat, but I encourage all to read what Rick Wilson, Stuart Stevens of the Lincoln Project & Resolute Square has to say. Again, Our Democratic leaders need to get a spine and look at the reality of this situation. I would also like to see how anyone in this comment section would do against a shouting maniac with keeping their thoughts together to respond effectively
I don't agree that Biden is mentally unfit. He is old, as is Trump. However, he is more mentally fit than Trump. Unlike Trump, Biden can complete a sentence. Unlike Trump, he doesn't repeat the same nonsense over and over again. Biden's ability to converse is not at the level of a seven-year-old, who would greatly benefit from speech and language therapy.
Journalists, who write that Biden is too old, must admit that Trump is too old as well. Not doing so, suggests that Trump is not old. The debate, if you choose to call it that, was not a debacle because of Biden. It was a debacle because of Biden and Trump.
"Biden has proven himself mentally unfit to handle the rigors and demands of the job" -- the job is talking at a podium for 90 minutes??
Whatever one thinks of his debate performance, or ability to successfully campaign from now to November, that's separate from his job performance.